Exit cleaning

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Each building has different parts, each with its cleaning method. Exit cleaning a building, such as stairways, elevators, fences, corridors, etc., is time-consuming and requires a lot of experience and skill. The A Max Clean Group cleaning team invites you to read this article to learn about cleaning these parts and how to do it.

Exit cleaning includes which part of the building?

Exit cleaning of the building is essential as a part where there is usually a lot of traffic and every person faces it before entering the building. Here we bring you a list of Exit cleaning and then point out the critical points for cleaning each.

  • Cleaning the ground and entrance stairs of the building
  • Cleaning the garbage section outside the building
  • Sweeping the entrance of the building
  • Cleaning the entrance door
  • The cleanliness of the elevator floor
  • Disinfection and cleaning of the elevator body
  • Lobby floor cleaning
  • Cleaning lobby furniture and equipment
  • Cleaning the windows inside and the entrance part of the building
  • Carpet cleaning in the lobby area
  • Polishing metal and wooden parts
  • Cleaning lights and lamps
Exit cleaning
Start cleaning by dry sweeping the staircase from top to bottom

How to clean building stairs?

Stairways are almost the most essential part of an exit cleaning. Passing through the stairs has made the stairs to be the most polluted part of the building. It is enough to use suitable detergents and start cleaning from top to bottom to wash the stairs,

Necessary tool for cleaning the stairs

To wash the stairs, you need the following tools and equipment:

Water or floor bucket, long or short broom, clean and special cleaning cloth, the newspaper for dust removal, glass cleaner.

Cleaning the stairs

The stairs of the building are considered a service matter. But if you want to do the washing yourself, it is better to familiarize yourself with the basic washing steps for cleaning the building’s stairs:

  • Stairs without carpet are easier to clean. If the stairs are carpeted, first, we remove the carpet from the stairs without damaging the texture of the carpet.
  • We start cleaning by dry sweeping the staircase from top to bottom. If you start from the bottom to the top of the stairs, every time you clean, some dust from the upper stairs will fall to the lower stairs, and your efforts will be wasted.
  • It is better to use a hand broom or a brush to clean the stair seams. If the garbage and dust increase after a few steps, collect them in the dustbin to prevent the creation of more dust. In the end, collect the dust or clean it with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Thinner can be used to remove paint stains on the stairs. Also, bleach and other detergents can be used to remove different colours on the stone stairs. After cleaning the stairs with detergents and stain removers, wash them with water if possible.
  • After washing the stairs, dry them to prevent people from slipping.
  • Using a dirty mop or towel will cause an unpleasant smell after washing, so washing the mop and towel before starting the operation is better.
Exit cleaning
The entrance and exit of the building need daily cleaning

Elevator cleaning

If you use a spray to clean elevator buttons, the spray should be applied to a clean cloth or paper towel. Never spray the cleaner directly on the parts. Also, please do not use a sponge because it is a place to store bacteria, and its excessive moisture will damage the elevator’s electrical components.

Vacuum to remove large particles and dust, then use a non-abrasive cleaner to clean the stainless steel. Ensure the elevator is completely stopped and locked to prevent it from moving while cleaning the door tracks.

Cleaning the fences of the building

Usually, it is necessary to clean the fences twice a month. To clean the fences, it is enough to, use a wet cloth and then remove the moisture with a dry cloth. This is to prevent erosion and mould. It is better to change the bucket containing water and foam regularly so that it does not smell unpleasant and the dirt from the dust does not get on the fences again.

Every time we make water and foam, we should pay attention to saving water and detergents and earn the amount of water and foam needed.

Cleaning doors and windows

Doors and windows need more cleaning due to their sensitive and fragile materials and their glossiness and transparency, and it is very effective in the effect of stairs and houses. To clean the glass, you first need:

  • Clean the inside and outside of the glass with a damp cloth.
  • In the second step, clean the inside and outside and the frame of the windows using newspapers. At this stage, detergents or cleaners can be used to clean the glasses.
  • If there is paint or stain, it can be cleaned with the help of a glass blade or acetone to clean the paint.
Exit cleaning
After washing the floor of the lobby, be sure to dry it to prevent people from slipping

Lobby floor cleaning

If you use a carpet or rug for the lobby area, it is better to sweep it regularly and not let it get dirty; otherwise, it will be more challenging to clean it later On rainy and snowy days, more dirt and moisture enter the lobby space, and for this reason, it is necessary to clean it faster.

Cleaning lobby furniture

Usually, there are many food particles, dirt and pollution on the furniture surfaces of the lobby; if they are not cleaned in time, they will cause stains and wear. To clean the furniture with the help of an effective cleaner and a vacuum cleaner, clean all the stains and dirt on the furniture daily.

The entrance doormat of the building

Including doormat cleaning as part of the building’s weekly Exit Cleaning program is better. Of course, installing a dirty and stained doormat can give your building an untidy look, so cleaning it should be done regularly.

Final word

House cleaning in Exit Cleaning service has rules, and cleaning teams like A Max Clean Group can implement them correctly. Because each part of the house has its cleaning model, it is impossible to clean it similarly.

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