How to Remove Chocolate and Candy Stains from Anything

How to Remove Chocolate and Candy Stains

Removing chocolate and candy stains can be a difficult and challenging task. However, in this post, we are going to teach you how to remove chocolate and candy stains from anything.

1. How to Remove Chocolate Stains

When it comes to cleaning chocolate stains from a surface, the first and most important step is to proceed as soon as you discover the stain. Using a knife or spatula, carefully scrape off any leftover or residual chocolate. If the stain was on a carpet or upholstery, you could even use the hose of the vacuum cleaner. This stops the stain from expanding or the chocolate from going deeper into the fabric. The next step will be determined by the type of surface the chocolate stain is on.

  • How to Remove Chocolate Stains from Clothing

Turn the garment inside out, and then wash it with cold or iced water. Then use a cleaning product like stain remover, or perhaps even liquid laundry soap, to treat the stain. Now, soak the garment for an hour in cold water. If the stain remains, soak it again and repeat the process until the chocolate stain is gone. Launder as always, once the stain is gone.

  • How to Remove Chocolate Stains from Furniture

Remove the chocolate from the furniture with a spatula, then solidify the leftover chocolate with a Ziploc bag containing ice cubes, and scrape once more. After that, wipe the surface with a solution containing one tablespoon of anti-grease dishwashing soap and four cups of cold water using a dry white sheet. Keep doing so until the stain is gone. Now, wash the soap and blot it dry.

  • How to Remove Chocolate Stains from Carpets

Collect the chocolate shards and try not to spread them about. Then vacuum up any leftover chocolate that has fallen onto the carpet. Dab a spot remover solution suitable for dry-cleaning on the stain with a dry white towel. Work your way from the stain’s edge to the center, blotting rather than rubbing. To eliminate leftovers, rinse with clean water and dab. To absorb water, blot-dry the area with something like a towel or, for optimal results, choose a wet/dry vacuum cleaner.

2. How to Remove Candy Stains

Sometimes, candies fall on the floor and make a mess. Much worse, if somebody unintentionally walks on it and crushes it into the fabrics, the viscous mess will become even messier. Here we are going to see how we can remove candy stains from carpets or flooring.

  • How to Remove Candy Stains from Carpets or Flooring

Spray the candy with ordinary water to dissolve the sugar. Then, scrape up the candies with a spatula or knife. This could take a while. Remove any remaining candy leftovers or color with a stain remover product. If you’re not using a stain remover, use pure white vinegar to blot the spot. To remove the stain, blot it with a dry, clean towel. After the stain has been removed, blot the spot with a clean, wet towel to remove any residual stain remover. Blot any remaining liquid with a clean towel before allowing the spot to dry.


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